When you think of dental or cosmetic treatments you might not automatically think of gum procedures. This treatment style can quickly transform your smile and give you instant confidence. At James Martin, DMD, we are committed to elevating your oral health through our comprehensive treatments, informed by Dr. Martin’s extensive hours in continuing education each year.
When you enhance the health and appearance of your gums it will play a pivotal role in your overall well-being. To get started, contact our dental team today and schedule an appointment!
Types of Gum Procedures
Before getting any treatment it’s important to know your options and which one will work for your smile needs and health goals. Here are the gum procedures that we offer:
Gum Grafts
A big concern for your oral health, functionality, and appearance, is receding gums. To restore your smile, we use gum grafts. This process works by using graft tissue to cover the exposed roots, protecting your smile.
Gum Lifts
To create a symmetrical smile, our dental team will sculpt and reshape the gum line. This process is quick and should not cause you any pain or discomfort. It is great for making a balanced smile and getting rid of excess tissue.
Crown Lengthening
If you have excessive gum tissue or an uneven gum line, it can make your smile seem smaller. Crown lengthening is used to create a harmonious smile. It is a health-conscious solution that works to reveal more of your natural tooth structure. It will enhance the aesthetics of your smile and allow for optimal oral health by reducing the risk of periodontal issues.
Kim was afraid to have her receding gum line fixed. Dr. Martin used a minimally-invasive gum grafting technique to renew her smile.
Read her full Story!
Watch her video >>
Why Should I Get a Gum Procedure?
There are many reasons to get a gum procedure and each type comes with specific benefits. Here are some of the advantages that come with the treatments our dental office has to offer:
- Gentle care
- Minimized discomfort
- Compatible dental instruments
- Long-lasting results
- Increased oral health
- Improved appearance
- Boosted confidence
- Customized treatment plans
- Thorough examinations
- Decreased gum issues
The way we handle gum procedures at James Martin, DMD, will improve your overall health while giving you stunning results.
Talk to Dr. Martin about options for your smile!
Broaden Your Smile with Gum Procedures
If you want to elevate your smile and find out which gum procedure is right for your smile then schedule a consultation today!
About Dr. Martin
Dr. James Martin received his doctorate in dentistry from Boston University in 2011 and then completed a one-year residency at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. He continues to travel all around the world to attend at least 200 hours a year of continuing education from the leaders in the field. Dr. Martin is also a Kois-trained dentist in order to provide top aesthetic and long-term oral health care. Dr. Martin blends innovation with personalized attention for a healthier, more radiant smile.